using namespace std;

int f (int i) {
  return (i >= 34785) ? 1 : 0;

int binary_search() {
  /* We know that f() is a monotonic function, namely that 
     if i < j then f(i) <= f(j)

     The goal is to find the smallest index i in the range [0,1000000]
     such that f(i) = 1.  If there is no index in that range with f(i)=1
     then return -1.

  int lo, hi, m;

  lo = 0;
  hi = 1000000;
  if (f(hi) == 0) return -1;
  if (f(lo) == 1) return lo;
  /* Induction hypothesis at start of loop: 
     lo < hi and f(lo) = 0, f(hi) = 1 */
  while(lo + 1 < hi) {
    m = lo + (hi-lo)/2;
    /* alternative is (lo+hi)/2, but possible overflow */
    if (f(m) == 0) lo = m; else hi = m;
  return hi;

int main() {
  printf ("%d\n", binary_search());
  return 0;